BlueJ Installation on Linux|BlueJ Installation on Unix|BlueJ Installation on Ubuntu

BlueJ Installation on Linux|BlueJ Installation on Unix|BlueJ Installation on Ubuntu

The general distribution file for is an executable jar file. It is called bluej-xxx.jar, where xxx is a version number. For example, the BlueJ version 2.0.0 distribution is named bluej-200.jar. You might get this file on disk, or you can download it from the
BlueJ web site at

Run the installer by executing the following command. NOTE: For this example, I use the distribution file bluej-200.jar – you need to use the file name of the file you’ve got (with the correct version number).
/bin/java -jar bluej-200.jar
is the directory, where J2SE SDK was installed. A window pops up, letting you choose the BlueJ installation directory and the Java version to be used to run BlueJ. Click Install. After finishing, BlueJ should be installed.

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