Java string literals
Java string literals look the same as those in C/C++, but Java strings are real objects, not pointers to memory. Java strings may or may not be null-terminated. Every string literal such as "a string literal" is interpreted by the Java compiler as new String("a string literal")
Java strings are constant in length and content.
For variable-length strings, use StringBuffer objects. Strings may be concatenated by using the plus operator:
String s = "one" + "two"; // s == "onetwo"
You may concatenate any object to a string. You use the toString() method to convert objects to a String, and primitive types are converted by the compiler.
For example,
String s = "1+1=" + 2; // s == "1+1=2"
The length of a string may be obtained with String method length(); e.g., "abc".length() has the value 3.
To convert an int to a String, use:
String s = String.valueOf(4);
To convert a String to an int, use:
int a = Integer.parseInt("4");